The number one lie that we’re sold in health and wellness

The “quick fix” is a myth.

You heard that right.

There is no ‘quick fix’ that exists that will also simultaneously offer you sustainable, long term health and wellness.

Debunking that myth has become a primary focus of mine as it saturates American healthcare and culture, and further, it impedes our ability to truly find healing. It is truly my mission to help others make lifestyles that are created for the long term — for life. This is what a true lifestyle change looks like. Unfortunately, more often than not, we find ourselves back a step one, over and over again. But, why? Because there is an expectation that our lifestyle change will happen over night. This leads us to failure.

It is the American way to want the overnight solution to relief, to the ‘cure,’ to expedite weight loss, and more — all of which are allegedly made possible through a diet program, an exercise regimen, or oftentimes, medication.

Who can blame us? We’ve been lead to believe that that is the only way to live — that ‘fast’ is the best way to live. We want everything fast — fast food, fast delivery, fast cars, fast results — we no longer have the patience for anything slower than fast.

However, it is not, and never will be, through a quick fix that you will achieve long term vitality, energy, and increased quality and fulfillment in life. It is just simply not the case.

We’ve been indoctrinated with this ‘quick fix’ mentality which leaves us in a toxic, perpetuating cycle as it relates to our wellness and leaves us at risk in damaging our relationships with food, exercise, and more. We fall victim to yo-yo dieting, crash diets, intensive exercise regimens, and more, that we find ourselves in a greater space of damage than where we started.

Even further, a ‘quick fix’ to any emotional or physical concern almost never offers us full relief or healing as medication typically only quiets the symptoms and fails to truly reach the underlying issue. The underlying issue than persists, perpetuating further issues elsewhere within the body, and our suffering amplifies.

From a holistic wellness model, these changes are addressed differently…

It is through intentional lifestyle changes that build the foundation to allow you to improve your physical and mental health gradually and then promotes maintenance of these changes for the years to come. It is through the marriage of both behavioral and mindset shifts that allows you to generate the most success.

There is oftentimes mindset shifts that need to be made before a client can truly step into maintainable behavioral change — much of this having been influenced by the ‘quick fix’ conditioning.

The work that is done with my clients actively dismantles this ‘quick fix’ belief system that is harming us and our health collectively as a society. Our focus centers on exploring the steps necessary to be sure each and every client is met where he or she is — not one step further. This ensures the client is able to truly put one foot in front of the other, thoroughly examine the behavioral changes and mindset shifts necessary in order to create sustainable change, and move at a pace that is realistic and growthful.

Consider this as you navigate your own health and wellness journey. You will never see the return on the investment in your health and wellness if the expectation is rooted in a ‘quick fix’ mentality. Start there.

If you’ve fallen victim to the ‘quick fix’ before, and are ready to make a sustainable change as you move along your wellness journey, let’s chat.


are you tired of feeling tired?


a must in order to be successful on your wellness journey