are you tired of feeling tired?

Tiredness and fatigue are two of the most common symptoms I hear clients struggle with from day to day — and it truly robs of them of living their best quality life.

While they may be common, it does not mean that they are normal.

Tiredness can be so disruptive to your daily functioning — we’ve all been there. What’s frustrating is how normal it has become to just feel ‘tired.’ We’ve allowed this narrative to run rampant in our culture — that low energy levels are the norm, or simply a part of ‘getting older,’ or ‘being busy.’ It’s possible that some of us have never experienced anything otherwise.

I can assure you that tiredness is a symptom of an underlying issue that is robbing you of feeling energized in order to enjoy your life. A night of poor sleep or your immune system battling a virus will likely contribute to temporary low energy or fatigue — understandably so. But, perpetual tiredness, low energy, or chronic fatigue are symptoms of something happening underneath the surface and it is possible to find relief, to reenergize.

And during these times of sluggishness, we reach for ways to pull ourselves out if it. It’s the American way to reach for another cup of coffee, or rely on sugar, or turn to a mid day nap which can be impactful upon our quality of sleep at night - all of which perpetuate the tiredness cycle. Not only that, tiredness can generates symptoms of anxiety and depression, can drive up food cravings, can lead to poorer nutritional choices, and more. Feelings of tiredness and fatigue is just the start — it can then spiral into a host of other issues and poor health consequences.

Instead of medicating the symptoms, let’s get to the root issue.

Possible causes of excessive tiredness:

-Poor quality sleep or poor sleep hygiene

-Blood sugar dysfunction

-Nutritional deficiencies

-Mitochondrial damage

-Imbalanced microbiome or Leaky Gut

-Thyroid dysfunction

-Heavy metal poisoning/toxin exposure

-Food intolerances/sensitivities

-Cortisol issues

The list goes on. There are so many reasons to explain your low energy and it’s time to address them once and for all.

If you’ve ever been left feeling discouraged, feeling hopeless, feeling as though this level of energy was your baseline, your normal — think again. You deserve to live a life full of energy, vitality, and longevity. Don’t waste another day otherwise.

The work that I do with clients includes addressing the symptoms from all angles. Removing foods that may be aggravating or causing the symptom, adding in foods that offer your body what it needs to optimally function, and addressing other connections between lifestyle habits that may be inhibiting your wellness. Wellness is multifaceted — it looks different on each and every person. Let’s work towards better understanding your circumstances, your needs, who YOU are, and go from there.

Let’s chat - let’s explore WHY you may be experiencing this fatigue and tiredness and get to the bottom of it. Through lifestyle and nutrition, it can complete transform your energy levels and as a result, significantly improve your quality of life.


part 1: nontoxic 23


The number one lie that we’re sold in health and wellness