a must in order to be successful on your wellness journey

I spoke on Instagram the other day about recognizing the value in making a change.

This is applicable in any capacity — regarding any decision, investment, or change.

One must see the value in order to pursue it.

I find this to be such an essential part of someone moving forward in their wellness journey.

If they don’t see the value, they will not fully invest.

What do I mean by this?

In order to truly commit to any lifestyle change, one must understand and find interest or benefit in the value that it will bring. If we can’t truly understand why it’s important to prioritize sleep, why your gut matters to both physical and mental health, why magnesium is such a critical mineral, or why having coffee after breakfast is a must — we will likely have no interest in exploring it. Or — if we hyper fixate on weight loss, we lose sight of the importance of the value in truly becoming our healthiest selves — which is ultimately, the primary goal.

This is where I come in.

A big part of my work with clients includes education and cultivating awareness around the value in making better nutritional choices, moving their bodies more, prioritizing good sleep hygiene, investing in their gut health, hormone health, brain health, practicing self care and stress management — and more. I’ll say it again: this is huge in making any kind of progress in one’s wellness journey. It is up to me to share with you my knowledge and understanding about making an investment in any lifestyle practice, but especially, just within your wellness.

If I were to simply offer you guidance in nutrition, exercise, stress management, and more, without following up with the VALUE it will bring to you, wouldn’t that feel kind of pointless? I could tell you all day long how to build your plate, but until you understand WHY and what it means for your body and your mind, that is where you can truly latch on.

Why not better understand the importance of incorporating lots of nutrient-dense, whole foods into your life, or the limitless benefits that movement brings to your mental and physical health, or the chaos that stress can bring to the body and why self care really isn’t that insignificant after all? This education is everything. The way you see the choices you make, after learning the value, will change exponentially.

Let’s explore an example, unrelated to health and wellness. Let’s say you’re heading to buy a car. What is the likelihood that you would head to the lot, point to a car, and say, “Yep, that’s the one.”

For some of you, maybe it does pan out that way. For most, however, it takes research, reflection, questions, and potentially shopping around to truly know “this is the one.” How does it drive? What’s the mileage? Is it reliable? Do I like the interior? Does it have a sunroof? How old is the car? How are the tires, brakes, oil, fluids and filters? Are there any mechanical issues? Tell me more about the car, the model, and what it is I am investing in.

You aren’t sold on the car until you know it’s value.

Similarly, upon embarking on a wellness journey, one must see the value in making a certain lifestyle change in order to pursue it. Unfortunately, in Western healthcare, it sometimes takes rock bottom, or a certain illness or symptom, for someone to truly see the value in their health. Only then are they willing to make a change. I encourage you to not let it get to this point.

If you need support in this arena, let’s talk. It is one of my primary goals, when working with clients, to offer the tools and simultaneously showcase the VALUE in making a lifestyle change in order to live and feel optimally.


The number one lie that we’re sold in health and wellness
